Inclusive Education

Breathing in line with the motto ‘let our classrooms reflect our vision and justice for all’, essence of Inclusive Education Program of Spring Dale Senior School is more than the set of strategies or practices. We aim to aspire an educational orientation that embrace differences and value the uniqueness of each learner to engage, inspire and enrich their mental, physical as well as physiological growth.

The school stands as a proud member of Global Inclusive Education Network (GIEN) with the Principal Mr. Rajiv Kumar Sharma being co-chairperson and Special Educator of the school serving as the executive member of GIEN with the credit of presentation of three Research Papers in International Conferences duly published in eminent Resource Books.

School has a Resource Centre where children with benchmark disabilities are taught by the special educator to help them reach their full potential. Some unique features of the resource centre are:

Individualized Education Program-  is designed by the special educator after making a comprehensive assessment of their strengths and needs .It contains the vital information about CWSN , case history, the environmental, classroom and assessment accommodations and short term and long term goals of the child .Quarterly IEP meetings are planned by the special educator with Parents and teachers . The IEP aims at holistic growth of the child with focus on Life Skills, activities of daily living and self-care.

Sensory Roomaims to provide a sensory diet to children with sensory processing disorder . It is designed in a way to provide visual , auditory, tactile, vestibular, olfactory and proprioceptive stimulation to children . This helps them to calm down and relax and hence increases the learning capacity of CWSN.

Table Cricket– An adapted form of cricket which all children with special needs can play.

As per the guidelines of CBSE a School Inclusion Committee( SIC)  is constituted to regularly plan , monitor and discuss the progress of CWSN Principal, vice principal, special educator , school counselor and teacher representatives from each department are a part of this committee.


Sensitization and Teacher Training

Teacher training and capacity building is an integral part of the school system. School participates in seminars and conferences on inclusive education at district and national level .Regular in -house teacher sensitization is conducted by the special educator.

Each year special assemblies are organized on 3rdDecember; International Day of People with Disabilities to sensitize the school community about the abilities of CWSN and at the same time gives opportunities to CWSN to showcase their talents and abilities. This instills self-confidence and builds friendships amongst peers.

The first week of December is observed as “The Disability Week” in which an activity called “Walking in their shoes” is practiced by the entire school. In this activity each day the students experience different disabilities for eg : Monday is observed as blind day, Tuesday : Deaf day, Wednesday : Physical challenge day and so on. This activity is aimed to develop an insight into the lives of CWSN and their day to day problems in the school.



Spring Dale Senior School keeps accessibility and UDL principles in mind which seek to increase learning access and reduce barriers for students.

Barrier- free Infrastructure:

    • Ramps to make the entire school infrastructure accessible for wheelchair users.
    • Wheelchair accessible toilets are provided at ground floor separately for girls and boys.
    • Separate accessible parking for handicapped staff/students is provided
    • Classrooms have proper width of doors for wheelchair users and a separate designated area for wheelchairs
    • Accessible drinking water (low height) is provided.
    • Proper signage and use of light bell for students with hearing impairment.
    • Provision of classrooms on ground floor for easy access.
    • Purchasing new advanced wheelchairs.
    • Making sports adaptive by introducing Table Cricket ( can be played by all physically challenged students even with severe handicap)
    • An accessible computer lab with adapted keyboard facility is provided.


Curriculum Adaptations

    • Subject wise Modification/Reduction in class curriculum depending upon the interest and ability of the student.
    • Modifications are also made based upon the learning style of the student. For eg: For children with autism are visual learners , more diagrams and pictures are included and subjective part is reduced.
    • Life skills is made an integral part of their curriculum which is included in their I.E.P. For e.g. Table Manners, Money Management, Activities of daily living.
    • Students with special needs are offered choice of subjects from grade 7 onwards where besides studying English and a second language they can choose among the subjects offered by CBSE in grade 10.
    • Weekly Individualized  Teaching Sessions (subject wise) are organized for better instructions and better rapport building between student and teacher .
    • Grade wise and subject wise Audio Resource is created to empower the students with self-learning .
    • Lots of visuals in form of pictures, symbols and diagrams for visual learners are included in class worksheets.
    • Activity based teaching is practiced wherever possible.
    • Enlarged print sheets are provided to students with low vision.
    • Photocopies of class worksheets are provided to student with limited hand function.
    • Teaching is based upon the learning style of the student.
    • Assistive technology e.g. Color coded keyboard with enlarged keys is provided to students with dyslexia /low vision
    • Free screen reading software is provided to students with low vision/dyslexia.
    • Resources available online are downloaded and used for better learning.
    • Teaching of life skills and soft skills in resource room to make them independent.

Assessment Adaptations

    • Scribes/readers/prompters are provided to students with special needs from primary class onwards .(As per CBSE exemptions for grade 10)
    • Students can type the answers using adaptive keyboards .
    • Students are given the provision of giving exams using computers for students with special needs whenever needed.
    • Alternate objective type /modified question paper is prepared for some students.
    • Enlarged question papers are also given to students with low vision.
    • Extra time during exams is given to all the students with special needs .
    • Separate room is provided with a supervisor for examinations of students with special needs
    • The answer sheets are separately checked and teachers are sensitized towards the checking of answer sheets for e.g. overlooking spelling mistakes, formation of sentences, answer can be in keywords etc.



Specific endeavors to empower CWSN


      1.  Self-Advocacy Club: All CWSN in high school and pre-college are by default a part of this club where they learn to advocate for themselves and know about their rights and responsibilities. They are given leadership roles and given a chance to work in a team.
      2. Individual remedial sessions: Weekly remedial sessions are given by subject teachers to help build the teacher student rapport and reinforce the academic concepts taught in the class.
      1. Volunteer program for students: All students are given an opportunity to volunteer in the resource center and are acknowledged annually. This also aims to build a pool of scribes in accordance with the guidelines given by CBSE.
      2. A unique merit criteria is designed for cwsn where their performance is  not compared to their classmates but their own past performance. Hence these cwsn  get the opportunity to participate & get honored in Annual Achiever’s Award ceremony.


Assisstive Technology


Proper aids and assistive technology is provided to cwsn according to their needs. Adaptive color coded keyboards are provided for children with low vision and dyslexia. Talking calculators are given to students with dyscalculia and other multiple disabilities .Various online apps and resources are also used for concept clarity.

Equal opportunities are given to them in all academic and non-academic fields whether Annual Sports Day, PDC Camp, Theater Festivals, Assemblies and so on. Every year our CWSN weave success stories on academic platform, manifested & honored during the Annual Achiever’s Award Ceremony of the school.